About Me
- Esther
- Hi, I'm Esther. I'm 20 years old and I've just started a job as a new graduate Registered Nurse. I'm also a dancer, and love thinking and reflecting about life.
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
To look and to see
What is inspiration? Where do we get our inspiration from? It is for something different or everyone, whether it is a song, a speech or a story, a picture, a garment, a new construction. Inspiration is an important aspect in our lives as it influences our thoughts and our creations. You could easily look at a child’s smile and be motivated for a new advertisement, look at birds sitting on power lines and receive the starting notes for a new musical masterpiece, listen and observe strangers on the street and create the plot for a new best selling novel.
But why do we need to search for inspiration? Why are we suddenly inspired after weeks of hard work? Why do we need to dig deeper than a simple sunset and instead find the new colour scheme for a successful fashion business? To look deeper than what meets the eye?
What are you looking at? What can you see?
We do not need a purpose to look for an inspiration, however we must become more aware of the significance and the natural wonders the world gives us, the adventures waiting to be sought and explored. We need to be more attentive to the minute details to our life and environment that change the whole view and overall success of a creation. Often observing people can inspire as there is life and mysteries hidden behind their faces. But more often we never reflect on ourselves. While inspiration can be personal, an evaluation of an event within your life, sometimes we need someone else’s perspective for us to realise who we really are and our significance to other people. We can use our own knowledge, experiences, and encounters with life to reflect upon. We ourselves are natural inspirations. It is often believed that our subconscious thoughts inspire us. That our childhood memories that are hidden from our memory, but express themselves in different ways. They resurface themselves from deep within, influencing our thoughts and actions. However it can be hard to look deep into yourself, as you are often scared with what you may or may not find out. This could be a cause that stops our true, innate feelings and thoughts to be expressed.
We look but do not see.
The world is not always what it appears as only a small part of it is really seen. It is very uncertain what lies underneath which inspire those who want to face that challenge and dig deep. Those are the people who want to make a difference in the world. They look at the world and at people from a different angle and see things many of us do not. They start to see the world as it really is, not how many people try and portray it to be. Do you want to become one of these people who really see the world, not just look, but see it for what it is beneath the mask that is thrown over our eyes? We do not always look beneath the top cover, below the surface of life. The world, people, colours, nature, what do these have in common? They are very different but each contain some motivation that could change what we know, what we live by.It could develop masterpieces like Shakespeare, DaVinci, Mozart who were influenced and inspired by life, creating immortal works. We can relate to these works and concepts as they express who we are as people. We all live life, and although we are all different, there are many characteristics we can all relate to. Human Nature.
See, do not just look.
So next time you look around where you work, the people you spend each day with, the expressions of nature, look deeper until you become more aware at the wonders surrounding you. Become more observant, aware, and attentive! A smile, a sunset, a drooping flower, a raindrop, anything can be yours if you just look for it!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Joy and Thankfulness
As you may or may not know, I am currently in a show at the moment and I was thinking the other day who I was doing it for.
My friend sent me a text during the week saying that although I’m generally exhausted, my joy needs to comes from God a it says in Nehemiah “don’t be dejected and sad for the joy of the Lord is your strength”. It’s important that I continue to drink up his Spirit, even if I sit for 5minutes and just wait on him, his joy will continue to strengthen us.
So I just wanted to remind everyone that no matter how stressed you are, how much we have on, and little time we have spare, if we rely on God, He will strengthen us and give us Joy. We must also do things for him. It says in Philippians 2:14 “Do everything without complaining or arguing” and I often think that one verse is a good reminder everyday life that the things you do are for God, and you must live out His joy. This is also said in Colossians saying “whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people”.
The opposite of complaining is being thankful so often instead of complaining, you can think of the things you are grateful for. It also says in Philippians to always pray with a thankful heart. So I finish now by saying be joyful and live your life God’s way.