About Me

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Hi, I'm Esther. I'm 20 years old and I've just started a job as a new graduate Registered Nurse. I'm also a dancer, and love thinking and reflecting about life.

Friday, November 14, 2008


A few nights ago I was thinking of a book I read when I was very young but can't remember what it was called. The part I was thinking of was the little quirk between a father and daughter while the daughter was young. They used to have long conversations about super-heroes and what the best super power of all was. The father wanted Strength while the daughter wanted Super Speed. The only thing they both agreed on was that Flight was the best. This became their quirk between the two of them and would refer to it often as the daughter grew up. However, one day when the daughter was a teenager, the father did something that embarrassed her greatly. Trying to fix it up between them, he referred back to the small saying they had... "what power would you like?" Sadly she replied saying

If you could have any power in the world what would you have? Would being able to be invisible be worth it or even being able to fly? Would super speed or strength help you in your day-to-day life in any way? Look what happened to Samson, he had the 'power' of strength but his weakness was found and used. Everyone has a strength or 'power' but it may not be extra-ordinary. It might be something that you're good at. A god-given gift. AND... everyone has a weakness... But we must use these gifts we've been given to the best of our ability and to help others the way Jesus used to. 

Go out into the world and use the super powers God gave you for what is right, even if it is opposite to what everyone is doing or is hard. "What you do for the least of my brothers you do for me" Go fly into the world with super strength and speed without the need for invisiblity

Monday, August 25, 2008

True Colours

Your true colours, are  beautiful 
like a rainbow
Imagine the world without any colour. You look out the window in the morning and see colourless grass and a colourless sky and God wouldn't of been able to promise with a rainbow because it would look plain and boring, not the wonders of colour that shine through a single droplet of rain. If you look around, colour is everywhere in the smallest of things. We are in a world where colour dominates our lives, from reading signs on the road to see if fruit is ripe and yummy to eat. It affects our moods - blue is calming, red can make us tense and hungry, orange expresses energy and enthusiasm. We use and experience colour everyday in our lives without even appreciating it. 
I found this song about colour and I thought I might share a few verses that I truly loved. The site link is www.imeem.com/ifankucel/blogs/2008/02/07/1AdAe5p8/can_i  if you want to go and read the whole song - i recommend it. The verse I like is the verse about grey:

Maybe I'll stick with pencil
Just a grey, ordinary pencil.
Who can I colour in with grey?

Grey is the colour between all the rest
Maybe I can find something to colour with grey
Something that won't go wrong.
Something that can feel everything and nothing at once
That's it!

Who can I colour in with grey?
I can colour the world.
These lyrics (I think they're lyrics anyway) made me realize what God must feel. He made all these colours for us to enjoy and express happiness and ourselves with but instead they have turned against Him and made our lives angry, conceited, envious, sad, empty and lonely. But we can easily change our world of grey back into the colour it is meant to be by thanking the Lord for His creativity that He put into the world He created for us. We can turn our world into one of love, laughter, relaxation, a dream, innocent, private by being positive and putting a smile on your face, to turn your world and other's back - to the colourful world that God created just for us!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Okay, you know chocolate: a food made from roasted ground cacao beans, creating a delicious sensation that melts in your mouth, the rich flavour soothing any bad feelings... Mmm........ The fate of chocolate has fallen into my fellow chocoholics out there, but I have a challenge. To go a WHOLE month without a single pinch of chocolate!!!!

BREATHE!! Get up, if you've fainted off your chair and listen. I just completed this challenge in one of the worst times - 3 week holidays!! The amount of things with chocolate in them shocked me. I couldn't have some of the simplest biscuits and ice-cream or muesli bars, I feel really sorry for those people out there who are allergic. The amount I did was July 2 -> August 2 because I ate chocolate on the 1st so I couldn't start then...

Whenever I was asked why I was doing this, my answer was because I felt like it but now I have a true confession. Part of the reason was because of the teasing I got about myself but also I actually found quite a lot about myself.  This challenge really made me think about how easy it is to fall into the temptations of the world today and how hard it is NOT to fall into them. Whenever I went into a supermarket (which is quite often), the chocolate was laid out in view for anyone and I actually realize how hard it must be for people how suffer from the more serious temptations. I challenge you to take something out of your life, however small it may be, and go a month, or two, without it. You'll find how strange it is to go past it everyday and feel yourself saying "Why not, you can have some when no-ones watching and n
o-one will know", but please don't fail, think of when the time is over and you can go back, eat that stash you've had hidden for a while, and feel good that YOU managed to last so long without it! 
Good Luck!

I must say that on the 2nd of August when I could actually have chocolate, I didn't actually feel like having any, I did however have a nice warm hot chocolate and then that night, I got out my stash and had a blast!! So go out there, find something, as small as no chocolate, 
as large as no tv or car, and challenge yourself to fight that temptation you have!! Once again, Good Luck!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Susan and I.
Being exactly 1 year apart, we have always been great mates. 
When we love each other - people say its adorable 
but when the claws come out, watch out!!!
Our bond has always been forged by doing everything together 
from the time our memories started. I can't even remember 
what it was like without a sister (even for one year!)

Two girls forming a friendship that can never be broken, no matter what life brings across our paths. We truly are linked with heartstrings!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The God in the sky.

My friend has this quote that she really likes. Okay, its not really a quote, its more of a joke.

'Silence is golden, so pretend you're Midas'

Btw, Midas is a greek god that has an ability that anything he touches turns to gold. I found this joke very interesting because it reminded me of the last yoof group we had before the holidays. We watched a Nooma video called Noise (Rob Bell). This movie REALLY affected me because I find that silence is special. This is because I love the silence and being alone, upstairs in my craft area, on the beach when deserted, outside - especially under the sky with the stars. 

The stars are like one of my links to God. If you think, they're always there, day and night, even though you can't always see them, There's so many and to think that He put so much care into each of those gigantic stars as He did with me. Also, if you look at the constellations, there's the southern cross that is showing Jesus in the sky, but if you think, it is also the shape of a sword to say that He will protect us, and the pointers that point to the cross, points us the way to God... That's not all, the sky goes on forever, just like God's love for us...

So next time you look up and see the wonder in the sky with the stars shining brightly or looking at a cloudy day, wishing for the clouds to move to have sun, remember the magnificence of the God hidden behind the splendor of the sky and how much He loves you, you're unique to Him, never forget that.

Monday, July 28, 2008


I was just on Facebook and looking at my Sticky's. 


Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Sarah and Susan - cute!!

Maz attacking our wonderful cheese muffins we made for her house warming the day after

Our flour fight...

their plan was to make our hair turn grey and it kinda worked...

our flour smiles - poor bayla, she thought we were freaks...

watching a movie - poor mia...

On Friday I went to Maz's house in Jville. I just got the pictures from her and that's what they were... yes, it included a flour fight... :D

Sunday, July 20, 2008



Sunday 20 July

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I just did a quiz on Facebook which was "what disney princess are you?" and it came up with Belle!!! {From Beauty and the Beast} In case you're wondering, Belle is my favourite princess out of all and for my party this year - 15th - I dressed up as Belle and although I was going to make her proper dress, I couldn't so I just got a yellow ballgown that my friends (kinda) liked and didn't cause it was very tight... I think I like her because she loves to read - and so do I, and also she sees something in people that others don't and I hopefully am similar... 

Which Disney Princess Are You?

You are Belle. You are strong, deep, and you are not a slave to petty superficial things. You are independent and allow yourself to see inner beauty without sacrificing your values. You are almost too good of a person.

Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com
Well here's the link if you wanna find out which princess you're like...

Monday, July 14, 2008

My baby

Firstly, my baby is my cat... Okay, now that you understand that I will continue. On Friday 11 she came home after being lost for about a week with no voice and a massive gash in her chest and having lost almost all her weight. Straight away we took her to the vet and when she came back the day after all drugged up and tiny, she also had seven stitches where the gash was!!!! The vet thinks that she was impaled - ouch!
This is a picture but it doesn't show the whole area because Ash hates the camera... :D Anyway she's getting better and is having her stitches out on Saturday 19 and she is also able to go outside at night so she's happy - she wasn't allowed outside the first few nights and had an incident with the rubbish bag... One thing she still doesn't like it having to take 3! tablets morning and night but then she does get a nice meal afterwards so its all good... it also means she's getting her weight back so she is slowly turning back into the fat pussy cat she used to be... :D

And thats my baby

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My First

This would be the first time that I have gotten a blog so be nice to however strange it may seem...
Anyway, I thought the first post should be interesting so I'm going to try something hard... ok, so it may not be THAT hard but this is first time... I'm going to add a picture.... Whew, it worked but lets just hope its gonna pop up on the actual post. 

Well, explaining the picture. Its rather cute but thats not the point. Cassie just emailed it to me with some other pictures that represent her and Sarah and Susan. This picture was me. Its to show that I'm an oasis in a desert place -  in my family and in life... Something that a speaker at New Wine Summer 08 said about me. I hope to find out fully what it means but with this picture its as though I'm a bright light (of yellow) among some black ducklings.  :D

Okay, that's my first post done
Hope you enjoy

- E