Okay, you know chocolate: a food made from roasted ground cacao beans, creating a delicious sensation that melts in your mouth, the rich flavour soothing any bad feelings... Mmm........ The fate of chocolate has fallen into my fellow chocoholics out there, but I have a challenge. To go a WHOLE month without a single pinch of chocolate!!!!
BREATHE!! Get up, if you've fainted off your chair and listen. I just completed this challenge in one of the worst times - 3 week holidays!! The amount of things with chocolate in them shocked me. I couldn't have some of the simplest biscuits and ice-cream or muesli bars, I feel really sorry for those people out there who are allergic. The amount I did was July 2 -> August 2 because I ate chocolate on the 1st so I couldn't start then...
Whenever I was asked why I was doing this, my answer was because I felt like it but now I have a true confession. Part of the reason was because of the teasing I got about myself but also I actually found quite a lot about myself. This challenge really made me think about how easy it is to fall into the temptations of the world today and how hard it is NOT to fall into them. Whenever I went into a supermarket (which is quite often), the chocolate was laid out in view for anyone and I actually realize how hard it must be for people how suffer from the more serious temptations. I challenge you to take something out of your life, however small it may be, and go a month, or two, without it. You'll find how strange it is to go past it everyday and feel yourself saying "Why not, you can have some when no-ones watching and n
o-one will know", but please don't fail, think of when the time is over and you can go back, eat that stash you've had hidden for a while, and feel good that YOU managed to last so long without it!
Good Luck!
I must say that on the 2nd of August when I could actually have chocolate, I didn't actually feel like having any, I did however have a nice warm hot chocolate and then that night, I got out my stash and had a blast!! So go out there, find something, as small as no chocolate,

as large as no tv or car, and challenge yourself to fight that temptation you have!! Once again, Good Luck!