If you could have any power in the world what would you have? Would being able to be invisible be worth it or even being able to fly? Would super speed or strength help you in your day-to-day life in any way? Look what happened to Samson, he had the 'power' of strength but his weakness was found and used. Everyone has a strength or 'power' but it may not be extra-ordinary. It might be something that you're good at. A god-given gift. AND... everyone has a weakness... But we must use these gifts we've been given to the best of our ability and to help others the way Jesus used to.
Go out into the world and use the super powers God gave you for what is right, even if it is opposite to what everyone is doing or is hard. "What you do for the least of my brothers you do for me" Go fly into the world with super strength and speed without the need for invisiblity
awesome post,
nice to read your deep and meaningful words back on blogger!
mwa mwa!
I would have the super power of baking. Because I can't bake to save myself :)
Teleportation. Think about it...it would be awesome :)
My super power is having God!!!! You know ...
"And he's come to save us, International Mystry Man'!!!!
Oh, and by the way, if that doesn't count, I think I am a super power on my own!
Awesome blog Esther, you're so deep!!!!
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