Susan and I.
Being exactly 1 year apart, we have always been great mates.
When we love each other - people say its adorable
but when the claws come out, watch out!!!
Our bond has always been forged by doing everything together
from the time our memories started. I can't even remember
what it was like without a sister (even for one year!)
Two girls forming a friendship that can never be broken, no matter what life brings across our paths. We truly are linked with heartstrings!
Thats soooo sweet, I bet Susan was rolling her eyes when you wrote that, lol, It IS cool how you 2 are so close and it's nice to hear that you finaly admitted it.
How do I put up with my lil sis, huh?????!!!
luf ya
I'm sure you have your good days like us and the bad days! I does help that we HAVE to do everything together - dancing, school, church, friends are the same (some) and then we share a room where we have our 'heart-to-heart'. Imagine if you and Bethany shared a bedroom...
But the friendship is definitely forged
Awwwwwww, that nearly made me CRY!!!!! well,not really, but it was soooo sweet. I knew u loved her ...
plagiarism's wrong
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