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Hi, I'm Esther. I'm 20 years old and I've just started a job as a new graduate Registered Nurse. I'm also a dancer, and love thinking and reflecting about life.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The God in the sky.

My friend has this quote that she really likes. Okay, its not really a quote, its more of a joke.

'Silence is golden, so pretend you're Midas'

Btw, Midas is a greek god that has an ability that anything he touches turns to gold. I found this joke very interesting because it reminded me of the last yoof group we had before the holidays. We watched a Nooma video called Noise (Rob Bell). This movie REALLY affected me because I find that silence is special. This is because I love the silence and being alone, upstairs in my craft area, on the beach when deserted, outside - especially under the sky with the stars. 

The stars are like one of my links to God. If you think, they're always there, day and night, even though you can't always see them, There's so many and to think that He put so much care into each of those gigantic stars as He did with me. Also, if you look at the constellations, there's the southern cross that is showing Jesus in the sky, but if you think, it is also the shape of a sword to say that He will protect us, and the pointers that point to the cross, points us the way to God... That's not all, the sky goes on forever, just like God's love for us...

So next time you look up and see the wonder in the sky with the stars shining brightly or looking at a cloudy day, wishing for the clouds to move to have sun, remember the magnificence of the God hidden behind the splendor of the sky and how much He loves you, you're unique to Him, never forget that.


essie said...

Nice post Edgar! I like silence too, but it still makes me a little edgy...but then I am weird, and old :)


Cassie said...

WOW! Esther!
this is a COOL post, my mum really loved resding this. You did make me realsise what the stars really mean and how special they are! Reminds me of sitting on the tramp with the others looking up at the stars and hearing your knowledge on the stars! love ya

Diana Langdon said...

Thats such an awesome post Esther :)