About Me

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Hi, I'm Esther. I'm 20 years old and I've just started a job as a new graduate Registered Nurse. I'm also a dancer, and love thinking and reflecting about life.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Growth and Realization

At Church we have had many opportunities to be able to stand up and preach. My first sermon was on the 10 October 2010 and since then I have only spoken a short message since. I am very uncomfortable with public speaking but my reasoning for both times was that God had a message for me to say and to tell others, so I did.

My first sermon was about Trees. We had been studying the book of Matthew at the time and throughout, there were many links or metaphors established to trees. This was an easy one to establish but felt difficult to put across without thinking too far into each metaphor. The main message from this sermon was that the deeper you put your roots into the earth of Christ, the further you can spread your branches and produce good fruit. One section I have pulled out is talking about how a tiny seed, the smallest being the mustard seed grows into a mighty large tree and the link this has to our lives.

A tiny seed has so much potential, just like each and every one of us has a potential and a purpose in life, no matter how significant we may feel. It takes time to grow. Think; is a parent in the delivery room ashamed of the baby? Of course not, they are proud. They know that growth will come with time. So does God. With the support of God we can grow into a large tree, providing support to others and contributing to the world providing life.

From this I have then thought about where God has taken me in the past year and my growth. Although I am unable to see it, I feel different in good and bad ways. I have found that I am able to use my own initiative more, but whilst doing this and experiencing new things, I have also given up on some things that were important to me. One main one is helping with the younger children at church. I used to attend every week and assist, but as time went on and I had other commitments, this one has decreased more and more and I am beginning to miss it considerably. Another very important thing is with the new changes in my life, I have meet new friends, but in doing so, it has been hard to keep in the same contact with my old friends and I have felt the brunt of it many times this year which I regret. But through it all I have felt God guiding me and letting me learn my lessons to understand what is important in my life. I have mended some bridges and realized what I must prioritize. It has definitely not been the easiest of journeys but if you never fail, you can never learn to pull yourself back up again, and through it all God has guided. He brought people into my life and messages that have lifted me back up again and continued with life's ups and downs and my point of view on many things has changed.

Overall I don't really know what this post was about, if it was really anything or just a chance for me to finally put down in words what I've been feeling so that now I even understand it. Looking back now I have really come to realize how much God has helped me without realizing and reminds me that He is always there even when you feel most alone. God bless.